28 min

Huldufólk - A hidden world

To save the hidden Elf village Alfgarður from destruction by industry tycoon Skallagrímsson, five adolescents from both the world of Elves and humans, have to convince the people of the Icelandic village Falinfjörður of the Elves’ existence. There is just one problem: humans can see the Elves only if they believe in them. HULDUFÓLK - A HIDDEN WORLD is a family adventure pilot series about the importance of friendship and power of imagination.

Short Films IOct 11, 16:00 at Ísafjarðarbíó
Andri Freyr Gilbertsson
Aron Pétur Ólafsson
Isabel Marina Grimm
Sky Kammerer
Sunna Kjartansdóttir
Pétur Steinn Atlasson
Ágúst Wigum
Emily Schmeller
Jónmundur Grétarsson
Hannes Óli Ágústsson
Other credits
Showrunner: Britt Abrecht