PIFF 2022 award winner
  • Best animated short in Animated films category
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16 min

Prince in a pastry shop

"Prince in a Pastry Shop" is a seemingly humorous story about happiness. Because "with happiness there are only troubles," says the Not-So-Little Prince, and he multiplies the examples of these troubles. His interlocutor is Prickly Pear, the embodiment of carefree, light-heartedness, simple joy of life, but at the same time a lively, intelligent mind that can make the Prince take a back step in his conversation. This philosophical parable about a couple eating cakes in a cafe touches upon fundamental issues that are close to everyone - the elusiveness of happiness, the fact that we are not always able to perceive it, let alone experience it as fully as possible.

Short Films IIOct 14, 16:00 at Ísafjarðarbíó
Katarzyna Agopsowicz
Other credits
Production: EGoFILM
Editing: Przemyslaw Swida
Music: Marcin Wasilewski
Sound: Michal Fojcik, Wojciech Iskierka
Visual Design: Joanna Concejo, Katarzyna Agopsowicz